Case Study: TECLA <> Wesper

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Case Study: TECLA <> Wesper

Meet Wesper, a New York-based healthtech company that is revolutionizing sleep testing. By leveraging TECLA's nearshore talent network, Wesper unlocked access to top-tier tech talent from Latin America, propelling their growth and disrupting the sleep health industry. This case study unveils the key steps they took to secure exceptional talent and highlights the transformative impact it had on their business.

About Wesper

Company Details

A brief introduction on Wesper and its impact in the healthtech industry.

Company Summary

Wesper reinvents sleep medicine with a fully digital at-home sleep lab solution.

They created the first longitudinal and wireless clinical-grade sleep testing platform designed to increase any clinic's efficiency and get their patients the care they need. With 95.1% correlation to a sleep lab, the FDA-cleared device is eligible for reimbursement and measures sleep position, snoring, oxygen desaturation, apnea events, breathing quality, pulse rate, and much more.


Wesper, a healthtech startup that has raised $6M in funding based in New York, faced a significant challenge in talent acquisition. The company was unable to attract a sufficient number of qualified applicants in the U.S. for roles ranging from Senior Data Scientists, PMs, Android Developers, and Python Developers to QA Engineers, iOS Developers, and Product Designers.

Their situation became more challenging due to the substantial salary expectations of experienced professionals in New York and across the U.S. This created a financial strain and raised concerns about the company's operational runway being shortened. Despite their apprehensions about nearshore hiring, driven by negative anecdotes they'd heard, Wesper recognized that it might be necessary to explore this avenue in order to secure the talent they needed while preserving their financial health.

With this in mind, they approached TECLA for guidance and support.


At TECLA we addressed Wesper's talent acquisition challenges with a tailored solution. We conducted a comprehensive assessment of their needs, providing valuable insights on salary ranges and navigating the legal intricacies of hiring in Latin America, including best practices for legal compliance and payments.

To ensure a seamless fit, we delved into Wesper's internal culture, enabling us to design an ideal screening process that aligned with their unique requirements. Leveraging our extensive network, we introduced Wesper to a pool of pre-vetted candidates suitable for all their desired roles in healthtech.

In our commitment to delivering exceptional quality, we conducted thorough reference checks and provided comprehensive recruiter assessment notes for each candidate, providing Wesper with valuable information for their decision-making process. Moreover, we evaluated the English proficiency and cultural fit of all candidates, ensuring a strong alignment with Wesper's communication needs and work environment.

The results were impressive. Within just four weeks of opening each respective search, Wesper successfully hired eight top candidates across various roles. This rapid and effective hiring process demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of TECLA's approach, enabling Wesper to quickly secure the talent they needed to drive their business forward.

Why Latin America?

Wesper made the strategic decision to hire talent from Latin America for several reasons. Firstly, since their teams were already predominantly remote, sourcing talent from Latin America provided a seamless fit with their existing remote work culture. Additionally, hiring from the same time zone ensured smooth communication and collaboration. Furthermore, by exploring the Latin American talent pool, Wesper aimed to tap into a region with less competition from larger startups, increasing their chances of attracting highly skilled professionals to join their team.


Wesper chose to partner with TECLA for several compelling reasons. Firstly, our expertise in finding and screening talent with previous experience in the healthtech sector, including familiarity with HIPAA regulations, aligned perfectly with Wesper's requirements. Additionally, our proven track record in screening remote talent for English proficiency, soft skills, and technical expertise provided further assurance of our capabilities. Lastly, our performance-based model, which mitigated risk for Wesper, offered them a lower-risk engagement that aligned with their goal of extending their operational runway.


After partnering with TECLA, Wesper was able to hire top quality candidates while also saving considerable costs. It took just 4 weeks to fill every open role.


In total, 8 candidates from Latin America were hired, all experts in different frameworks and technologies like: Android, Python, iOS, and more.

Aftermath: All Great News!

Wesper revealed a successful Series A funding round of $9.6 million. This significant investment will fuel their growth, enhance revenue streams, and further advance their state-of-the-art diagnostic sensing technology. The funding round saw participation from renowned investors, including Valor Equity Partners, Breyer Capital, Spark Capital, and angel investors from prominent health-tech firms. Wesper's commitment to innovation and development is reinforced by this funding, positioning them as industry leaders in the field.

Looking to hire top tech talent from Latin America? Contact Us!

Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino is an expert in global recruitment having spent the last 10 years leading TECLA and helping world-class tech companies in the U.S. hire top talent in Latin America.
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