Case Study: TECLA <> Limber Health

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Case Study: TECLA <> Limber Health

Introducing Limber Health, a DC-based healthtech company. They partnered with TECLA, leveraging their Latin American talent expertise to hire high-quality tech talent. This case study highlights how they achieved a remarkable 52% cost savings on salaries and shorter hiring process.

About Limber Health

Company Details

A brief introduction on Limber Health and its impact in the healthtech industry.

Company Summary

Developed by doctors in sports medicine & physical therapy, Limber Health is built to empower Physicians and Physical Therapists to augment in-clinic patient care with at-home support through digital technology, outcomes tracking, data analytics, remote therapeutic monitoring (RTM), and value-based care models.

Digital health solutions continue to rise but musculoskeletal conditions are complex. In-person care, including physical exams and manual treatment, are vital to the MSK care continuum. At Limber Health, we know digital tools are best served by not replacing, but complementing in-person MSK care.


Limber Health, situated in Washington, DC, confronted a tough task: hiring senior-level technical talent.

Their struggles were twofold - they were losing potential hires to larger companies and had experienced difficulties with previous hires from Eastern Europe and India due to cultural and proximity challenges. They required Senior Full-stack Developers, DevOps Engineers, Senior React Native Developers, and Data Analysts, all within their time zone.

Having had positive experience working with Latin American talent through TECLA in the past, their CTO led the way to reconnect with us, looking for an effective hiring solution that could offer both technical expertise and cultural fit.


TECLA swiftly intervened to address Limber Health's hiring challenges. Our first step was conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to gain insights into appropriate salary ranges for the positions they needed to fill. Additionally, we provided detailed guidance on the legal aspects of hiring in Latin America, including best practices for payments and ensuring legal compliance.

Recognizing the importance of company culture in successful staffing, we also familiarized ourselves with Limber Health's internal culture. This understanding allowed us to design an effective screening process that not only assessed technical proficiency but also ensured a good cultural fit.

Next, we introduced them to rigorously vetted candidates suitable for all their required roles. We provided additional assurance through reference checks and furnished recruiter assessment notes for each candidate. Furthermore, we assessed the English proficiency and cultural compatibility of all candidates, critical factors for seamless integration into the Limber Health team.

The results were impressive. Within just three weeks, Limber Health successfully hired six exceptional candidates, including mid-level full-stack developers, a senior lead full-stack developer, a senior mobile developer, and a senior data analyst. This outcome highlighted TECLA's ability to quickly and effectively staff high-caliber technical talent that matched the quality of Limber Health's U.S. engineering team.

Why Latin America?

Limber Health made the decision to hire from Latin America after encountering challenges with hires from Eastern Europe and India. They specifically wanted to build a team that could collaborate in real time, minimizing the inefficiencies caused by time zone differences. Furthermore, their focus on profitability and the need to extend their operational runway made Latin America's cost-effective talent pool an attractive choice for their staffing requirements.


Limber Health partnered with TECLA because of our demonstrated expertise in identifying and vetting talent within the healthtech sector, including a deep understanding of HIPAA regulations. The CTO's positive past experience with our services further solidified their decision and instilled trust in our ability to deliver. Additionally, since Limber Health did not have an internal recruitment team, our comprehensive recruitment services were the perfect solution to meet their staffing needs.


After partnering with TECLA, Limber Health was able to hire six top-quality remote professionals from Latin America.


Required technologies for the open roles.


Limber Health was able to save time and money while hiring top-quality tech talent.

Aftermath: Continuous Growth!

Limber Health closed a Series A funding round led by Blue Venture Fund. The funding will help the company scale its platform and expand its partnerships with health plans and employers.

Looking to hire top tech talent from Latin America? Contact Us!

Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino is an expert in global recruitment having spent the last 10 years leading TECLA and helping world-class tech companies in the U.S. hire top talent in Latin America.
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