Argentina Software Outsourcing Report

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Argentina Software Outsourcing Report

Finding the right software development outsourcing company in Argentina can be a challenging endeavor. Yet, Argentina is well-equipped to provide excellent software outsourcing due to its large, skilled pool of software developers with a strong track record of working with U.S. companies.

Here we’ll go through the main advantages of recruiting and choosing to hire software developers in Argentina– including those in our talent network at TECLA – so tech managers can make the best hiring decision.


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Argentina at a Glance

  • Capital: Buenos Aires
  • Currency: Argentine peso (ARS)
  • Time zone: GMT-3
  • Population: 45 million
  • Software developers: 115,000+
  • Software development companies: 3,800+
  • Official language: Spanish
  • Democracy index: 6.8/10
  • Business climate: B
  • Ease of doing business: 126/190

Argentina is positioned as a top-tier software outsourcing destination. It has a skilled talent pool of 115,000+ programmers and is ranked #1 for English skills in LATAM. This country also has a robust startup community and tech initiatives to support excellent Argentina-U.S. collaboration. In fact, revenue for the software industry in Argentina is expected to reach $2.7 billion by 2026.

The IT Ecosystem in Argentina

Argentina has a thriving tech scene with innovative start-ups, government tech initiatives and steady growth in the software outsourcing industry. Overall, Argentina’s IT ecosystem makes for a reliable, robust foundation for tech-related collaboration. Here are a few of Argentina’s greatest strengths as a tech hub and software outsourcing destination.

Top Tech Infrastructure

Is Argentina a tech hub? The answer is a resounding yes. In recent years, Argentina has advanced software development through government programs, private initiatives and investments. This includes efforts to promote tech skills, support software startups and build up Argentina outsourcing relationships:

  • Argentina Programa: A program involving two phases called #SéProgramar and #YoProgramo to train and deepen software development skills in young people. This program involves both scholarships and stipends for computers/internet.
  • Red Argentina IT: A network of Argentina software development companies that connect and collaborate on global IT solutions.
  • Tech parks: Argentina has been building tech parks that bring together startups and professionals, such as the Parque Austral, Buenos Aires IT Hub, Córdoba Technology Cluster and other parks in Bahia Blanca, Mendoza, La Plata and Rosario.
  • Programa Aceleradoras Buenos Aires Emprende: This Buenos Aires initiative has invested $28 million ARS ($3.5 million USD) in local entrepreneurs.
  • Teleworking Law: This new law promotes work-from-home abilities and incentives for the tech sector.
  • Entrepreneurs’ Law: A pro-business law to reduce registration times and costs for entrepreneurs, allowing them to set up businesses online in just one day. In addition, the law aims to give 75% tax deductions for tech startups.
  • Local startup support: New tech programs have opened, including Startup Buenos Aires and IncuBAte.

Robust Developer Community

In addition, Argentina has a robust developer community that involves regular hackathons and meet-ups. For example, there’s currently a hackathon going on for gender inclusivity in the construction industry, which is sponsored by Holcim Argentina.

Startups are also a big part of the IT community and lead to a great developer community. There are currently 268 startups in Argentina, including tech unicorns such as:

  • Auth0
  • Despegar
  • Globant
  • MercadoLibre
  • OLX
  • Prisma Medios de Pago
  • Tiendanube/Nuvemshop
  • Ualá

In addition, Argentina developers are active on major developer community sites, including StackOver, GitHub and CodePen. Ultimately, these programmers collaborate often, power exciting startups and connect through tech initiatives.

Strong U.S. Outsourcing Track Record

2022 CESSI Image shows a whopping 59% of Argentina software outsourcing involved U.S. startups

(Source: CESSI)

Finally, Argentina is a top location for strengthening collaboration with the U.S. A whopping 59% of Argentina software outsourcing involved U.S. companies. This track record is an ideal start to furthering Argentina-U.S. IT relationships.

In addition, many big-name American tech brands have set up offices in Argentina, including:

  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • IBM
  • HP
  • Intel
  • Cisco
  • Nokia

This market penetration by global and U.S. companies also shows that Argentina has become a tech hub for Argentina software development talent.

How do you hire a developer in Argentina? Get in touch with TECLA to connect with top Argentine software professionals.

The Argentine Software Developer Profile

The core of Argentine software development success is its talent. The programmers here are some of the most talented in Latin America. They boast of excellent educational backgrounds, diverse programming skills and the #1 English proficiency in Latin America. Let’s go over a few key traits of Argentine software developers.

Generous Developer Pool

Argentina has a large tech talent pool with 115,000 professionals involved in offshore software development as of 2022. The third largest umber in LATAM right after Mexico and Brazil .

(Source: Statista)

Argentina has a large, highly skilled tech talent pool with 115,000 professionals involved in offshore software development as of 2022. According to CESSI, this number will rise to 500,000 by 2030, which means companies can leverage even more developers from this region.

Currently, about 100,000 students are pursuing computing-related careers and receiving world-class educations in Argentia. Many Argentine institutions are well-ranked and three are included in the top 50 universities in Latin America. STEM education in particular is thriving through institutions such as the National University of La Plata, University of Buenos Aires and National Technological University.

With a strong university education, Argentina software engineers are graduating with top skills. Through CESSI initiatives for tech students such as internships, job training and job insertion, Argentina software engineers are also positioned to be job-ready.

Skilled Tech Talent

(Source: Coursera)

Argentina software developers have excellent tech skills compared to their peers worldwide. Argentina consistently ranks highly in software developer skill tests, earning itself the “cutting-edge” ranking by Coursera in areas such as:

  • computer programming (80%)
  • mobile development (89%)
  • statistical programming (91%)
  • data analysis (100%)

In particular, Argentina is known for its app development industry and about one-third of programmers here specialize in mobile development.

Overall, Argentine developers have a range of programming skills, including most demanded languages such as Python, SQL and Java. Companies can find a rich diversity of tech skills, languages and technologies in Argentina.

Excellent English Proficiency

(Source: EF EPI)

Finally, the typical Argentine developer has strong English communication skills. In fact, Argentina scored #1 in LATAM on the EF EPI exams with a global rank of 30, showing the high level of English proficiency in this country.

With world-class English proficiency, Argentina developers can ensure project communication and meetings with software outsourcing partners are seamless.

Build a powerful development team with developers from Argentina. Leverage our talent pool at TECLA today.

Why Argentina-U.S. Collaboration

Argentina is well-suited to become a powerful software outsourcing destination. In addition to first-class talent, Argentina offers advantages for great collaboration. Here are a few reasons why Argentina is better prepared to work with U.S. companies compared to other countries.

Overlapping Time Zones

One of the benefits of Argentina software outsourcing is that it has overlapping time zones with the U.S., making it easy for development teams to collaborate.

Located within the GMT-3 time zone, Argentina developers can enjoy between 5-8 hours of overlap with the U.S. – unlike Eastern Europe and Asia. By sharing the workday, it’s easier for software engineers to join meetings, get immediate feedback and make progress.

Cultural Proximity

Argentine software engineers have not only top soft skills but also cultural similarities that allow them to understand Western workplace values. Through excellent English skills, developers here can easily navigate communication and relationships with U.S. teams. For companies looking for strong collaboration, Argentine developers are an excellent choice.

Ideal for Agile Development

Agile development is a must for U.S.-based companies looking to build great products. Argentina software outsourcing can help promote agile development as it’s located in close time zones and developers have top English proficiency. For this reason, the ability to iterate and schedule pop-up meetings will be smooth, leading to better results on these types of projects.

Software Engineer Salary in Argentina

Even though Argentina has exceptional talent, the cost of hiring developers is still affordable. Software developers here have cost-effective rates but aren’t lacking in talent – especially compared to the U.S. and Europe. Let’s take a closer look at the typical Argentina software developer salary so companies have a better idea of cost savings.

Salary Range Based on Popular Technologies

Though Argentinian developers are affordable, the final price will depend on the talent’s experience, expertise, and technologies. More specialized skills and senior experience will cost more. For a better estimation of Argentina software developer salaries according to popular technologies, take a look at this table below.


Average Salary for Equivalent (Top-Rated) U.S. Talent

Rates of Top Developers from Argentina on TECLA platform


$175,000 - $195,000

$72,000 - $96,000


$165,000 - $185,000

$64,000 - $88,000


$165,000 - $185,000

$65,000 - $90,000


$175,000 - $200,000

$84,000 - $115,000


$135,000 - $145,000

$52,000 - $73,000


$152,000 - $175,000

$65,000 - $84,000


$150,000 - $182,000

$66,000 - $85,000


$150,000 - $185,000

$60,000 - $80,000

Summary of Argentina Software Outsourcing Benefits

The IT Ecosystem

Software Developer Profile

Argentina-U.S. Collaboration

Cost of Hiring Argentina Devs

  • Top tech infrastructure
  • Robust developer community
  • Strong U.S. outsourcing track record
  • Generous developer pool
  • Skilled tech talent
  • Excellent English proficiency
  • Overlapping time zones
  • Cultural proximity
  • Ideal for agile development
  • Affordable developer salaries

Argentina software outsourcing is a top choice for U.S. companies with complex IT and budget needs. Developers here have strong educational backgrounds, a variety of programming skills and a thriving tech scene that drives innovation and high-quality services.

As your company searches for the best developer talent, consider hiring Argentine developers. At TECLA, we match U.S. companies with vetted IT talent from Latin America – including Argentina. Get in touch with our team to learn how we can connect you with excellent programmers for all your development needs.

FAQs on Argentina Software Outsourcing

Why is Argentina a desirable location for software outsourcing?
Argentina is a top-tier software outsourcing destination because of its large and skilled talent pool of 115,000+ software developers. These professionals are well-educated and possess diverse programming skills. Additionally, Argentina has a robust startup community and tech initiatives that support excellent collaboration with U.S. companies. The country's IT ecosystem, featuring government tech initiatives and innovative start-ups, provides a strong foundation for tech-related collaboration.
What are the key traits of Argentine software developers?
Argentine software developers are known for their excellent educational backgrounds, diverse programming skills, and high English proficiency, ranking #1 in Latin America. They are particularly adept at computer programming, mobile development, statistical programming, and data analysis. Argentina is also known for its app development industry, with about one-third of its programmers specializing in mobile development. These factors make Argentine developers a valuable asset for any IT project.
How does Argentina facilitate collaboration with U.S. companies?
Argentina is well-positioned for collaboration with U.S. companies due to its overlapping time zones and cultural similarities. Argentina is located within the GMT-3 time zone, which allows for 5-8 hours of overlap with the U.S. This facilitates easy collaboration between teams. Additionally, the high level of English proficiency among Argentine developers ensures smooth communication during project execution.
What are the cost implications of hiring software developers from Argentina?
Despite the exceptional talent, the cost of hiring software developers from Argentina is quite affordable compared to the U.S. and Europe. The final cost can depend on the developer's experience, expertise, and technology specialization. For instance, top-rated Argentine developers with Python expertise can earn between $72,000 - $96,000 a year, significantly lower than their U.S. counterparts who earn between $175,000 - $195,000. This makes Argentina an attractive destination for cost-effective software development outsourcing. Partner with an expert talent recruitment firm like TECLA to hire the best developers from this country.
Nadia Hlebowitsh
Nadia Hlebowitsh
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