The 10 Best Remote Job Boards to Find Top Software Developers, Designers, and other Tech Talent

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The 10 Best Remote Job Boards to Find Top Software Developers, Designers, and other Tech Talent

A needle in a haystack? That’s nothing compared to trying to find a top software developer to join your team or project.

Locating tech talent can be notoriously difficult, partly because these professionals face “zero unemployment” and are aggressively recruited. But it’s also a matter of using the right tools to post your job and attract qualified candidates.

There are thousands of talented devs worldwide who are eager to work with you – if you know where to find them. As you open the recruiting process, make sure you start your search right.

To help you discover the ideal dev for your next project, we’ve handcrafted the best remote job boards 2021 that specifically cater to tech and/or remote work.


Best remote IT job boards

1. We Work Remotely

We Work Remotely is a fast-growing job board with the self-proclaimed “largest remote work community in the world.” There are oodles of software jobs posted here, all of which are remote. According to We Work Remote, they have a +90% fill rate for positions posted, which is a good sign that you’ll find the remote dev candidate you’re looking for. The VP Marketing at Appsembler even called this site an “essential part of [any] hiring toolkit."

2. RemoteOK

RemoteOK is a huge network with 1 million remote workers and a massive developer following. You can tag your posting with programming languages, preferred time zones and more. While it has some non-tech postings, the majority of jobs are tailored for software devs. A recruiter at Komoot called RemoteOK vital for “attracting great talent to [their] remote-first company.”

3. NoDesk

NoDesk is another 100%-remote job board with plenty of developer candidates to choose from, though it also has non-tech posts. This remote job board has great filters and lets you specify the time zones you’re hoping to recruit from – whether matching or not. It’s the ideal spot for remote hiring and finding candidates from around the world.


Just Remote promises just that: 100% remote positions at companies worldwide. As the founders put it, there’s “no better time in history to have a distributed workforce.” While not specific to tech, this site has a huge number of developer postings. Here you’ll be able to connect with remote job hunters that aren’t found on other boards.

5. Remotive

While this remote job board isn’t only for developers, it’s a robust spot to search for remote-first tech candidates. Remotive supports “borderless talent” so that you can find the best candidates for your dev opening. The software developer category alone has hundreds of new job postings that are hand-screened for suitability. According to one user, Remotive is part of “what the future of work looks like.”

6. Working Nomads

Working Nomads is a remote-only job board with tons of tech jobs. It’s intended for workers who are “sick of working 9 to 5.” You can tag posts with preferred programming languages and time zones to focus your recruitment search. Job postings are curated to focus on independent positions at innovative companies.

7. HubStaff Talent

HubStaff is a global job board for remote talent that’s heavily focused on technology. Plus, it’s 100% free. By posting your dev job here, you’ll get access to remote talent worldwide, whether you need it for a short-term gig or a full-time position. One recruiter has described it as “the first place [he looks]” for remote freelancers.

8. StackOverflow Jobs

StackOverflow is a respected tech leader and now offers a developer-first job board. It has an excellent search feature including a “Remote” filter and an “Easy Apply” button for candidates. You can tap into this huge tech community by posting a job on StackOverflow.

9. Dice

Dice is a tech-specific job board with millions of candidates available. While it’s a mixed bag of office and remote jobs, the site does have a “Remote Only” tag so you can make sure to get remote-friendly candidates. There’s no doubt you’ll find developers of all stripes and skills here.

10. Diversify Tech

This tech-specific job board is designed to hire underrepresented groups and boost company diversity efforts. While postings can be for office or remote work, the site has “Remote” and “Remote Anywhere” categories. For every posting, candidates can also view diversity numbers at the organization. If you’re keen on recruiting diverse candidates, this should be your go-to remote job board. The Networking Introvert has called it an amazing resource for making “underrepresented individuals in tech aware of available tech opportunities.”

Boost your IT recruitment search with TECLA

If you’re short on time and need top candidates ASAP, you might consider a hiring marketplace like TECLA.

Though not a traditional job board, TECLA connects you with pre-screened tech talent from across the Americas. We offer smart matching so that whoever you hire is the ideal fit for your developer needs. You simply create a job description, check out your screened candidates and request interviews with them. The CTO at PartsMarket says that TECLA made sure the “right developers joined [their] team.”

At TECLA, you’ll get personalized, full-service recruitment that will save you time and match you with qualified candidates that weren’t previously on your radar.

Master the remote recruiting process

Once you’ve collected applications or pre-screened candidates, you’ll need to embark on the next step: the recruiting process. Remember that this process is essential to get to know your top tech candidates and hire the right one. Here are key steps once you have a list of candidates from one of the best remote job boards 2021 listed above!

  • Complete a skill assessment or technical interview: To check a candidate’s skills, you might also require a technical assessment or interview. For example, here are some technical Scala and Node.js interview questions.
  • Check fit with the remote team: Your top candidates should meet their manager or team members as well. Ideally, this 15-minute interview would be some type of icebreaker or team building exercise.
  • Do final round interviews: The final interview will confirm whether this is the right candidate or not. Be honest and upfront, and answer any pending questions from the candidate.
  • Make an offer!
  • Don’t forget about onboarding: The remote onboarding process should be even more robust than on-site. Use this remote onboarding checklist to better prepare and welcome your new hire!

Final takeaway

For hiring remote tech talent, you can take advantage of the best remote IT job boards listed here. These sites will make the remote recruiting process seamless, so you can focus on getting the just-right candidate.

If you want to up the quality of applications, you might also consider TECLA’s full-service recruitment with pre-screened candidates. Learn more about our remote hiring marketplace and the talented LATAM developers who power it.

Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino is an expert in global recruitment having spent the last 10 years leading TECLA and helping world-class tech companies in the U.S. hire top talent in Latin America.
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