Nearshore Costa Rica: A Cost-Effective Decision to Maximize Growth

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Nearshore Costa Rica: A Cost-Effective Decision to Maximize Growth

In the ever-evolving landscape of today's business world, nearshoring has emerged as a strategic solution for companies looking to scale their operations efficiently. One country that stands out in this regard is Costa Rica, a prime destination for nearshoring. 

This article will dive into the benefits of nearshoring in Costa Rica and how it can be a cost-effective decision to maximize growth for your business. Keep reading for top insights! 

What's inside:

Understanding Nearshoring 

Nearshoring is the practice of transferring business processes or hiring top talent from a nearby country. Unlike traditional outsourcing, nearshoring offers advantages such as similar time zones, cultural affinity, and easy travel, which makes seamless collaboration so much easier. 

Costa Rica, with its thriving tech industry and strategic location, has become a popular nearshoring destination for many U.S. companies. To understand why, let’s take a closer look at what this country has to offer.

Costa Rica in Numbers

A graphic of Costa Rica at a Glance Capital: San José Currency: Colón (₡) Time zone: GMT-6 Population: 5 million Software developers: 22,000+ Software development companies: 98 startups Official language: Spanish Democracy index: 8.07/10 Business climate: A3 Ease of doing business: 74/190 English Proficiency:  #1 on TOEIC and TOEFL tests in Latin America, as well as #4 on the EF EPI exams.

The Benefits of Nearshoring in Costa Rica

Nearshoring in Costa Rica offers several benefits:

  • Thriving Tech Talent Pool: Costa Rica boasts a high literacy rate and a strong emphasis on education, resulting in a pool of highly skilled tech professionals ready to deliver high-quality work. In fact, in 2021 alone, 22 multinational companies opened 2,890 job positions in the country’s tech sector.
  • Developed Tech Infrastructure: Costa Rica's robust tech infrastructure supports a wide range of business processes, making it an ideal destination for nearshore software development. According to CINDE, the country is the #1 exporter of IT services per capita in LATAM, is #1 in value-added IT services in LATAM, hosts 119 IT companies in-country, and hosts 16 of the top 100 companies in IT globally.
  • English Proficiency: With a high level of English proficiency, Costa Rican professionals can communicate effectively with their U.S. counterparts, ensuring smooth project execution. Currently, Costa Rica is  #1 on TOEIC and TOEFL tests in Latin America, as well as #4 on the EF EPI exams.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Nearshoring in Costa Rica can significantly cut costs while maintaining the quality of work, making it a cost-effective decision for businesses looking to scale. For example, a mid-level backend developer in Costa Rica earns between $44,000 to $88,000 U.S. dollars per year, while their counterparts in the United States earn between $119,000 - $147,000 per year

Looking to learn more about Costa Rica as a top destination for remote talent? Check out our Costa Rica outsourcing report.

Nearshore Technology in Costa Rica 

The technology sector in Costa Rica has and continues to flourish, with many tech professionals specializing in areas such as software development, data analysis, and IT support. This pool of talent, combined with the country's developed tech infrastructure, makes Costa Rica an ideal location for nearshore recruitment. 

Costa Rica stands out among the leading countries in the world for digital, innovative, creative products and services with high added value. The Costa Rican offer in information technology considers a wide range of digital systems which stand out as one of the alternatives with the highest demand today. 

It should be noted that the country is classified as the No. 1 exporter of high technology in Latin America.

TECLA: Your Partner in Nearshoring 

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, finding the right talent can be a daunting task. That's where TECLA comes in. As a leading hiring platform, we specialize in connecting businesses with the very best remote software developers from Latin America, including the tech-savvy powerhouse that is Costa Rica.

At TECLA, we understand that every business is unique, and so are its needs. That's why we handle the entire hiring process tailored to your specific requirements, whether it's direct hiring or staff augmentation. From sourcing candidates who are the perfect fit for your business culture and project needs to conducting thorough vetting and facilitating interviews, we've got you covered.

By choosing TECLA as your hiring solution, you're not just making a cost-effective decision; you're investing in a partnership that values your success as much as you do.

Making the Cost-Effective Decision to Maximize Growth

In essence, when looking for effective business growth, nearshoring in Costa Rica is a game-changer. It's not just a strategy but a gateway to untapped potential and accelerated growth. With its thriving tech industry, strategic location, and high-quality talent, Costa Rica is more than an ideal nearshoring destination—it's a launchpad for your business's success. 

FAQs on Nearshoring in Costa Rica

How to find and hire qualified remote developers in Costa Rica?
Look no further than TECLA. We're more than just a platform—we're your strategic partner in this journey. Our network includes over 50,000 pre-vetted remote professionals, from eager juniors to seasoned experts, all fluent in English. Leveraging our advanced matching technology and experienced tech recruiting team, we streamline the hiring process, ensuring you find the ideal developers for your specific needs. With TECLA, hiring top-notch remote developers in Costa Rica is not just possible—it's a smooth, efficient process.
What are the benefits of hiring remote developers from Costa Rica?
Choosing to hire remote developers from Costa Rica opens up a world of advantages. You'll tap into a diverse talent pool filled with highly skilled and experienced developers. These tech-savvy professionals are proficient in English, ensuring seamless and effective communication. Plus, the time zone alignment with the U.S. and Canada makes real-time collaboration a breeze. And it's not just about logistics - the cultural affinity with these countries fosters a harmonious working relationship and a deeper mutual understanding. It's more than a hiring decision - it's a strategic move with tangible benefits.
How much does it cost to hire a remote developer in Costa Rica?
The cost of hiring a remote developer in Costa Rica can vary depending on their level of expertise. For a junior developer, the average annual salary ranges from $28,197 to $45,800. For a mid-level developer, the salary typically falls between $45,800 and $72,279. Senior developers can expect to earn between $72,279 and $100,005 annually. These figures include benefits for full-time employees or equivalent compensation for contractors, and they apply to professionals proficient in English.
How can TECLA help me hire and retain a developer from Costa Rica?
TECLA is your one-stop solution for hiring top talent in Latin America. We provide a comprehensive suite of services, including direct hiring, staff augmentation, and training for remote teams. But we don't just fill positions—we take the time to understand your unique needs, from hard skills and soft skills to cultural fit. In just a few days, you'll be interviewing top-tier LATAM developers, handpicked to match your requirements. Once you're ready to bring someone on board, we handle all the logistics and provide ongoing support to ensure a smooth transition and a successful, long-term working relationship. With TECLA, hiring and retaining a developer from Costa Rica is not just easy—it's efficient and effective.

Abigail Houck
Abigail Houck
Abigail Houck
Abigail is COO @ TECLA. With more than ten years in the tech recruiting industry, she is especially focused on international and global talent acquisition.
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