How TECLA Saves Companies Time and Costs with Their Technical Hiring

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How TECLA Saves Companies Time and Costs with Their Technical Hiring

It’s a common scenario: an HR team spends months hunting for qualified developer candidates, as well as vetting and interviewing them. When at last they hire and onboard the ideal software engineer, he quits a month later for another opportunity. Not only has the company wasted thousands of dollars on recruitment, but they’re also back to square one in terms of developing the tech products that their customers need.

Ultimately, recruitment can make or break the formation of top software engineering teams. As the developer shortage becomes more critical in the U.S., it’s essential for businesses to think beyond their borders in order to achieve shorter recruiting cycles that reduce costs and lead to long-term talent retention.

Let’s take a closer look at how TECLA is a key partner in leveraging software outsourcing opportunities in LATAM and reimagining recruiting cycles for today’s competitive IT industry.


Why outsource software talent?

(Source: Deloitte Global Outsourcing Survey 2020)

Software outsourcing is set to grow 70% between 2022 and 2023. According to a Deloitte survey, companies are choosing to outsource in order to improve cost (70%), flexibility (40%), speed to market (20%) and more. 

That said, recruiting global IT talent can be challenging for in-house hiring managers. Tapping into local talent often requires a recruitment expert who is connected to the region’s IT networks, has a deep understanding of developer expectations and knows the local language.

As part of any company’s global strategy, it’s vital to find the right recruitment partner (like us!) to hire affordable, long-term software engineers and ensure that the product development process is uninterrupted by talent gaps. In turn, this allows businesses to keep up with the fast-paced IT industry and their customers’ growing demand for digital solutions.

How TECLA saves HR & Tech leaders time and money

The tech hiring situation has become dire for many businesses. According to a McKinsey survey, 61% of HR professionals believe hiring developers will be their greatest challenge in coming years. Here’s how TECLA can bolster developer recruitment and get IT teams back on track.

1. Streamlined access to talent in Latin America

The benefit for companies: Reduces recruiting cycles and time-to-fill costs.

At TECLA, we expand tech talent pools for companies in order to maximize their recruiting cycles. Instead of just looking for engineering talent in New York or San Francisco, we act as a virtual bridge so businesses can connect with talented tech professionals throughout the entire region of Latin America. 

This exponentially increases the talent pool size, which means companies have a higher chance of finding the type of engineering profiles they’re looking for. In turn, streamlined access to talent reduces recruiting cycles and saves time-to-fill costs.

2. Lower engineering salaries that are regionally competitive

The benefit for companies: Reduces overall labor costs and supports talent retention.

Engineering salaries can be a significant expense for companies. TECLA works to reduce these labor costs by giving companies access to talent in Latin America, where the cost of living is lower than in the U.S. This means businesses can save 30-50% in terms of salaries for engineering talent. 

Yet, reducing costs doesn’t purely come from lower salaries. We work closely with companies to provide compensation data and benchmarking, so they can design competitive job packages for LATAM hires that are still cost-effective and lead to greater talent retention. 

3. Quicker time-to-hire for full product development teams

The benefit for companies: Fuller teams can develop quicker and thus increase a business’ bottom line.

The longer roles are open, the more money companies lose by not being able to improve their product or service for customers. TECLA speeds up time-to-hire by screening and vetting talent in advance. 

Companies can then engage in quicker hiring – sometimes even within days or weeks – which means their IT teams are robust and development can proceed as swiftly as possible. This lets companies focus on their core business instead of issues with talent capacity. 

4. Smart matching technology for recruitment

The benefit for companies: Cuts hiring costs for candidate sourcing and recruitment.  

TECLA utilizes smart matching technology and automation in order to streamline the individual cost of hiring. This technology reduces the time-to-hire and expenses related to candidate sourcing and recruitment. Ultimately, this lets us offer an enhanced recruitment experience that’s more cost-effective.

5. Long-term talent retention and strategy

The benefit for companies: Retains top talent and reduces expensive turnover costs.

At TECLA, we’re focused on providing long-term talent. We work to match companies and talent for great fit, so that the relationship can continue in the long term. We also help companies strategically hire through competitive job packages and guide them in LATAM developer priorities, so they can take steps to avoid talent turnover. 

The value TECLA brings to Companies with Technical Hiring Demands

1. We’re true experts in remote hiring in LATAM.

Why TECLA? We have a deep understanding of LATAM developer skills, networks and priorities. Unlike an in-house HR team that may not have experience with global talent recruitment, we’re true specialists in software engineering talent in Latin America. We can give companies 360-degree vision into connecting with, hiring and retaining diverse outsourced developers in Latin America.

2. We offer full-scope recruitment consulting for the best hiring outcomes.

As experts, we know that recruitment isn’t just a matter of plugging a candidate into a position. We have a white-glove approach to tech recruitment from start-to-finish, including: 

  • Candidate sourcing
  • IT skill screening
  • Culture fit vetting
  • Interview scheduling
  • Salary benchmarking
  • Compensation package design
  • Talent nurturing
  • Talent retention strategizing
  • Outsourcing destination consulting 

In other words, we’re experts in understanding today’s talent market in LATAM and providing successful hiring outcomes for companies who require the very best fit for their development teams and product goals.

3. We work closely with companies to customize services as needed. 

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all recruitment. We work closely with companies to listen to their needs and find the right hiring model – whether direct recruiting, staff augmentation or another custom solution. We go above and beyond to make sure businesses are overcoming their hiring challenges and achieving their ideal recruiting cycles, cost savings and talent retention. 

Should I outsource software development with TECLA?

Yes! It’s time for your business to set aside the frustration and high costs of your current recruitment strategy and harness the opportunity of LATAM software outsourcing with TECLA. 

TECLA has worked with hundreds of companies to turn around their tech recruitment obstacles. Through our vetted talent network and specialized expertise, we’ve helped them hire top developers that meet their IT needs, reduce their labor costs and make their recruiting cycles more efficient. Get in touch with us today for your custom tech recruitment solution.

Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino is an expert in global recruitment having spent the last 10 years leading TECLA and helping world-class tech companies in the U.S. hire top talent in Latin America.
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