The Go-To Guide for Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers

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The Go-To Guide for Hiring Ruby on Rails Developers

The talent pool for Ruby on Rails developers is highly specialized, which can make it difficult for recruiters or HR specialists to find the ideal candidate for their team. The best Ruby on Rails developers will not only have outstanding technical knowledge, but also fit in well with the company’s culture and communication style.

To pinpoint your company’s needs and hire the perfect candidate, take advantage of our checklist for hiring Ruby on Rails developers. Below we’ll discuss what every recruiter or HR specialist needs to know, including RoR developer traits, hiring models and more.


Checklist for hiring Ruby on Rails developers

  • Step 1: Identify the ideal Ruby on Rails developer profile.
  • Step 2: Choose the right hiring model for the engineering team.
  • Step 3: Determine the cost to hire RoR developers.
  • Step 4: Narrow down the developer location according to needs.
  • Step 5: Complete key recruitment steps before hiring.
    - Use a top hiring platform or service to post the job.
    - Conduct the interview, skill test and background check.
    - Check for company fit between the developer and future team members.
  • Step 6: Put together an attractive job offer and begin onboarding!

Step 1: Identify the ideal Ruby on Rails developer profile

To kick off the process, any recruiter or HR specialist should look carefully at the Ruby on Rails developer profile. While technical needs may take priority, don’t forget about other areas that could impact how the team works together. Here are the top traits for Ruby on Rail developers that recruiters should consider carefully during the candidate search.

1. Technical capabilities

Ruby on Rails is a highly specialized programming language that requires in-depth knowledge of:

  • RoR syntax such as loops, classes, modules and more
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Model-view-controller framework
  • Operations such as POST, GET, PUT and more
  • Databases such as SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL and ActiveRecord ORM
  • General knowledge of HTTP protocol, HTML & CSS and JavaScript
  • Gems (RoR-specific functionality packages)

Recruiters can get a sense of the candidate’s technical capabilities by looking at past Ruby on Rails web development projects, as well as completing a skills test.

2. Soft skills

In addition to technical know-how, the best Ruby on Rails developers should have the soft skills to ensure that development runs smoothly from day 1.  

  • Communication style: Ruby on Rails web development is a highly collaborative process that requires clear communication. The best developers will have a proactive, positive communication style that facilitates getting work done.
  • Problem-solving: Conceptualizing code is just as important as creating it. Ideally, an RoR developer will have the analytical skills to think through potential pitfalls and find workarounds so that the final code is high-quality.
  • Commitment to career development: The development world is incredibly dynamic, with new updates and technologies constantly popping up. Top RoR developers will have a built-in learning process to stay on top of trends.
  • Client interaction: Successful development requires face-to-face interaction with clients. Recruiters should feel confident that Ruby on Rails developers can see things from the client’s perspective and use constructive communication methods.

3. Team fit

Top Ruby on Rails developers will seamlessly integrate into the team, so that development can move forward.

  • Team spirit: Developer teams work best when all members pitch in to support each other. A team spirit means creating a united front for collaborating together, instead of pointing fingers when something goes wrong.
  • Culture fit: Every company has its unique sense of culture. It’s important to hire RoR developers that share certain values and interests, so that team integration happens organically.

4. English level

Due to miscommunication, development can be delayed or become difficult to manage. To achieve smooth relationships with clients, developers should be able to explain technical issues in English. Ideally, a top RoR candidate would be able to build rapport with small talk, too.

5. Past RoR experience and development projects

Experience matters when it comes to successfully joining a developer team. The most competitive candidates will have worked on Ruby on Rails web development projects in the past and maybe even have an RoR portfolio to share. Recruiters should contact past clients/employers to learn firsthand about the developer’s working style and quality of coding.

6. Mindset

Building relationships with team members and clients often depends on the right mindset. Great collaboration happens when developers have a can-do attitude and stay open-minded about feedback. Businesses may be keen to hire RoR developers that share this go-getter quality.

Do you need a single developer or a team?

Finally, HR specialists should take stock of their company’s developer needs before the candidate search begins. Will one team member be enough to cover needs? Or could the business benefit from hiring a team? Discuss the requirements in depth with the in-house engineering team before deciding how much manpower is needed.

Ready to build a powerful Ruby on Rails developer team? Get matched with top developer talent on TECLA.

Step 2: Choose the right hiring model for the engineering team

In addition to the right RoR developer profile, recruiters should pay close attention to the different hiring models available. Depending on the engineering team’s needs, businesses may lean towards direct hiring or staff augmentation.

Direct hire

For companies with ongoing Ruby on Rails needs, long-term talent is best. With direct hiring, RoR developers become full-time, integrated members of the in-house team.

  • 100% commitment to the company
  • Streamlined communication
  • Stronger, long-term relationships
  • Higher salary cost
  • Recruitment process may take time
  • Longer onboarding process
  • Hiring processes (such as HR, admin and legal) will be handled internally

How to find Ruby on Rails developers for direct hire

Hiring Ruby on Rails developers directly is an excellent long-term solution for companies. In this case, it’s even more important to find the perfect candidate during the hiring process. HR specialists should use recruitment tools that shy away from freelancers and instead focus on long-term talent offerings, such as:

  • Searching on general job sites such as LinkedIn and Indeed.
  • Leveraging RoR-specific job sites such as Ruby on Rail jobs, RubyNow and RailsJobs.
  • Using developer recruitment services like TECLA to get access to long-term and vetted talent pools.
  • Attending developer events to meet potential hires.

Staff augmentation

Staff augmentation services are another option for companies who want to get their engineering team up and running as quickly as possible, without having to handle hiring processes such as HR, admin and legal. Staff augmentation also offers a flexible arrangement that allows companies to scale and expand their tech needs over time.

  • Budget-friendly
  • Larger talent pool
  • Can be scaled to needs
  • Don’t have to handle HR, admin and legal processes, making it easier to get the engineering team up and running
  • Less direct relationship with developer
  • Not all developers want a staff augmentation model
  • More expensive than direct-hire for long-term needs

How to find Ruby on Rails developers for staff augmentation

For staff augmentation needs, companies have a wide range of options to hire Ruby on Rails developers. During the search process, HR specialists should focus on talent with a great reputation and the potential to build a longer-term relationship, if needed. Some top-tier tools to hire RoR developers include:

  • Searching on general freelancer sites such as Upwork, Freelancer and Toptal.
  • Posting short-term work on RoR-specific job sites such as Ruby on Rail jobs, RubyNow and RailsJobs.
  • Using developer recruitment services like TECLA to get matched with high-quality and scalable talent. (Many of these agencies will handle hiring logistics and onboarding, as well.)
  • Leverage social media and RoR communities to find potential candidates.

At TECLA, we offer both direct hire and staff augmentation to meet your growing development needs. Reach out to learn which service may be best for your business.

Step 3: Determine the cost to hire RoR developers

Determining a developer’s salary depends on a variety of factors. To identify an accurate salary range, every HR specialist should define the engineering team’s needs upfront and consider the developer’s:

  • Specialized knowledge
  • Years of experience
  • Complexity of development needs
  • Location

Developers with deep RoR knowledge and senior level experience will require a larger hiring budget. For example, in the U.S., entry-level Ruby on Rails developers make an average of $57,060 per year, while senior Ruby on Rails developers take away an average of $127,979 per year.

In addition, Ruby on Rails web development needs that are long-term and/or complex may need a full-time developer or multiple developers, which will add to hiring costs.

Step 4: Narrow down the developer location according to needs

The location will also impact the cost of hiring RoR developers. Overall, the developer’s location can influence:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Developer rates in certain regions are more affordable than others.
  • Time zones: Location will determine how many matching hours a business shares with the developer.
  • Reputation: Some regions have proven track records working with companies abroad.
  • English skills: The quality of English skills depends on the individual, but may be generally more advanced in some regions.

Comparing RoR developer rates by region

Location Average RoR developer rate
U.S. $75-250 per hour
LATAM $40-75 per hour
W. Europe $60-100 per hour
E. Europe $35-70 per hour
Asia $30-50 per hour

While salary ranges will vary greatly within each region, the estimates above give a general idea of the most affordable areas to hire RoR developers. Overall, the U.S. and Western Europe have significantly higher Ruby on Rails developer rates.

Latin America: a low-cost region with top talent and matching time zones

Though every region has its strengths, Latin America is an excellent location for U.S. companies seeking to hire RoR developers. To start, developers from Latin America have top technical and English skills. In addition, average salaries for RoR developers are much lower than U.S. developers, which gives businesses the opportunity to save on hiring costs.

From a business perspective, Latin America is a great choice because of all-day matching time zones. Managers can easily schedule meetings and give feedback to keep Ruby on Rails web development always moving in the right direction.  

Leverage our LATAM-based talent pool for top-tier web development in matching time zones.

Step 5: Complete key recruitment steps before hiring

Next, it’s important to complete key steps to verify RoR developer skills and company fit before hiring.

Use a top hiring platform or service to post the job.

It’s essential to choose the hiring platform or service that matches with the engineering team’s needs. For example, for companies looking for long-term Ruby on Rails talent, it would be unwise to post a job description on freelancer sites such as Upwork, Freelancer or Toptal. Instead, recruiters should leverage professional platforms such as LinkedIn or developer recruitment services like TECLA.

Conduct the interview, skill test and background check.

Hiring technical talent can be challenging because the skills must be verified. In addition to the general interview, recruiters should require a technical test and speak with candidates’ past employers/clients about their skill level.

Don’t have the technical know-how to test Ruby on Rails candidates? Take advantage of developer recruitment experts like TECLA.

Check for company fit between the developer and future team members.

The best Ruby on Rails developer should also fit well with the company’s current engineering team and manager. Be sure to schedule a meeting between candidates and future team members to get a sense of how well they click.

Step 6: Put together an attractive job offer and begin onboarding!

After selecting the ideal Ruby on Rails developer, it’s time to put together an attractive job offer or contract. Depending on the company’s priorities, this may include a top salary and remote work benefits, as well as perks such as a tech set-up. Once the developer accepts, the engineering team can begin the onboarding process in order to get the new Ruby on Rails developer up to speed.

Hiring Ruby on Rails talent that aligns with your business requirements can be difficult. With our guide above, your recruitment or HR specialist can identify top Ruby on Rails talent and get full vision into the different hiring models and processes.

As your business starts the search for Ruby on Rails developers, don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your talent needs.

Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino Ferrand
Gino is an expert in global recruitment having spent the last 10 years leading TECLA and helping world-class tech companies in the U.S. hire top talent in Latin America.
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